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The Soul, Enemy or Friend?

Since childhood, we have been taught that anyone who wants to hurt us becomes our enemy. But you've wondered, why they want to hurt us if...

What Life is by The Soul and Fame

Have you ever felt that your soul choose the people who deals with? Have you ever thought that your instinct sometimes tells you who...

What we can see

In There Is a Solitude of Space and The Soul Unto Itself, we can see that Emily Dickinson, on the one hand, tries to express what you...

At The End You´r Nobody

"I'm Nobody!  Who are you? -" A nobody that no other person cares about. "Are you - Nobody - too?" That it is better to be nobody to...

I´m Still Nobody

My parents had many friends, they were in a social circle with people who were beginning to be recognized. His best friends were Diego...

Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson has been the most intriguing writer I've ever read in my life. His writing goes through conventional poetry. That's what...

Analyze It

The Soul Selects Her Own Society. I think that the soul makes the decisions it wants and decides with whom to join; to himself if it does...

My Soul

The Soul Unto Itself. You must always fear your soul. For me, it is the most doubtable creature that lives within you. But I believe it’s...

No One Understands Me

If I think about it deeply, I´ll arrive to the conclussion that since always, I have ever felt that no one understands me, society just...

The Soul

The soul selects her own society -. Each person select his or her own environment, friends and the actions that do when some situations...

Recognition Isn´t Everything

In my whole life I’ve never been recognized a lot, only by my family and a few friends; and from that, I discovered that the fame between...

The Meaning of Things

The day of my birthday all change great news came to our lives to change them in a very impressive way. I did not understand very well...

"He Was Nobody"

My grandparents sold for many years candies at the entry of a school in the evening. My mother used to take me there and spent some time...

The Day I felt like I'm Nobody

I lived a day of my life where I did not want to go out with my family, the cause is still unknown to me, although it was as if I was...

Your Soul

"The soul unto itself (...) Is an imperial friend" You know? You can tell it your secrets, tell it how you really feel. It would support...

The Essential Thing of Your Life

Fame is a fickle food. Fickle what you do, and fickle what I do for our society. Did you notice? We have something in common. Do you want...

Blog made it by the PROM XIX

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