If I think about it deeply, I´ll arrive to the conclussion that since always, I have ever felt that no one understands me, society just is not for me, maybe we´re not all created to be known. But it is truth that at least once in life we make a try to fight against our fears before it becomes on an ideal unchangeable forever. By the way, I remember once, when I was 9 that there was a stories contest and I seriously, gave my best writing that story, I even felt the sweat falling all over my neck after being 3 hours seated in my pink desk on my literary corner- i was always so educated-I rememeber that mom called me to have lunch but i just couldn´t stop writing, I literally felt my stomach crunching because of the hunger, asking with screams for food and my throat so dry because of the thirst. At the next day, when we had to share the stories in the classroom, everybody started laughing so hard that my voice couldn´t be Heard, i just runned away to my home, hoping that that could be forgotten but obviously so disappointed and broken in millions of pieces . After that day, I always got seen as the weird of the class, the different, the crazy one. I decided to leave that school, and then after graduating, i got so distant from everybody around me. I don´t even like going out of home nor making my social circu¡le to grow up. By the way, the day I die- that I hope it to be soon- if you, mom or dad are reading this, please destroy all of my poems and writtens. I don´t know if it is a correct choice but I will take the risk to say that I trust you.
Maria José Calderón Aguilera