My parents had many friends, they were in a social circle with people who were beginning to be recognized. His best friends were Diego and Luis, both were different in their works and their way of being. One day the group of my dad decided organize an aid for a foundation of children with Cancer, the idea was that it was going to offer food and entertainment by adults. It is at this moment where I realized the masks of the people. I´m 15 years old, I’m still nobody and I don`t know if I’ll ever know, or maybe yes but be someone just for me. Diego was more worried about making children smile, he didn`t talk about him, not even about his life, he just seemed to be nobody before them, at that moment he was simply not someone beyond the person who made them laugh. On the other hand, Luis seemed excited telling the children about their great work and about the great person he was beginning to be, about how important he was beginning to be. But who really knows who are in this life? Or if really will become someone? nobody has anything really guaranteed life, or maybe yes, but only death.
Lortna Zharaind Vargas Montaño